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COAS emphasises territorial peace, says 'price of status quo will be destroying for all'

  • author1
  • 2022-10-08 12:39:16
  • Politics
COAS emphasises territorial peace, says 'price of status quo will be destroying for all'


Chief of Armed force Staff (COAS) General Qamar Javed Bajwa on Saturday encouraged territorial peace and bolstered the development of a mechanism for quiet determination of respective issues, warning that "the cost of the status quo will be annihilating for all".

Addressing a ceremony to mark the parade of the 146th PMA Long Course at the Pakistan Military Academy, the army chief urged that peace must be given a chance by "creating a mechanism for the peaceful resolution of all our bilateral problems".

"Furthermore, as opposed to fighting each other, we should fight together against hunger, poverty, illiteracy, population explosion, climate change and disease," he added.

“The world has changed and so should we because the price of the status quo will be devastating for all of us,” the COAS advised, adding that the desire for peace, however, must not be misconstrued as weakness.

"No one should mistake our collective determination to defend our core interests and every inch of our homeland," the army chief warned.

General Bajwa claimed that Pakistan, in its quest for peace, has made sincere and "all-out efforts" to develop good relations with all neighboring and regional countries.

"We are trying our best to break the political deadlock that has prevented South Asian countries from moving forward and resolving all regional and bilateral issues in a peaceful and dignified manner," he added.

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He argued that the people of South Asia deserved prosperity and better living conditions, like the rest of the world, and argued that better living conditions could only come with "sustained economic growth, development and lasting peace".

"Therefore, we must strive hard to keep the flames of war away from the region," he advised the newly commissioned officers of the Pakistan Army.

The COAS, during his address, advised the graduates not to get distracted by "fake news and political wrangling" in the country.

“Respect democratic institutions and always be ready to defend the territorial integrity, sovereignty and constitution of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan with your life,” he said.

The COAS further said that the passing out cadets should "always remain alert and ready to respond and defeat all intrigues and conspiracies against our country with an iron fist".

He stressed that the message was "clear" that "armed forces with the support of our citizens will never allow any country, group or force to destabilize Pakistan politically or economically," he said.

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Addressing the graduating cadets, General Bajwa congratulated them and said they were about to embark on a career in a "professionally distinguished and battle-hardened army with a long list of successful campaigns under its belt, both in conventional and sub-conventional fields." ".

He emphasized that the Pakistan Army has "successfully turned the tide of the terrorist threat in the last two decades and ensured that organized terrorism is decisively eradicated from Pakistan". He claimed that the performance of this force was "unique" and not what many countries or armies could claim.

Recalling his stint at the academy 42 years ago, General Bajwa said the day had "nostalgic significance" for him, adding that they were set on the path he had walked for more than four decades.

"Part of selfless devotion to duty, patriotism, sacrifice, and the unique privilege of leading the best bid in men in peace and war."

The army chief emphasized the essential traits of military leadership and told the new officers that without them they could "become an officer" but could not "command and become a successful leader of men in battle".

“First, remember that no one is born with expertise. It must be earned by constant pursuit. Without that, you cannot achieve the professional competence that is the hallmark of successful military leadership,” he said, adding that the duty ahead of them was challenging but exciting.

He argued that the demands of professional military service would be higher as they entered the service and stressed the importance of cadets being equipped with "high leadership attributes with a sense of purpose to earn the respect and confidence of their subordinates".

"Only by developing your unwavering confidence and self-confidence can you instill the commanding spirit that will hold you together in times of crisis," he said.

“As a leader, you must have the courage and ability to make difficult decisions and then accept full responsibility. Making the right decisions requires competence and confidence that can only be acquired through high-quality military education, rigorous training and the constant study of military history,” he said.

Quoting the famous British soldier and military theorist, Sir Basil Liddell Hart, Gen Bajwa said that "an officer who has not studied military history as a science is of little use beyond the rank of captain".

"The contagious energy you instill in your men when you lead by example and not just words - remember when there"s a lot of lead flying through the air on the battlefield, an officer never says step, he always says follow me," he said, adding that the soldiers" well-being was a hallmark a successful military leader.

Gen Bajwa said army personnel "paid in blood and in kind" to protect Pakistan"s sovereignty and territory.

"Thousands of valiant sons sacrificed their lives to enable us to reach where we stand today," he said.

He said the graduating students were entering the military at a time when the challenges facing the country were "complex and multi-faceted", increasing their responsibilities more than their predecessors.

"You have chosen to serve and protect your homeland, which requires the highest level of dedication, sense of purpose and sacrifice." This commitment must never be undermined as you have been adequately equipped and ready to immediately overcome future challenges and emerge victorious,” he said.

He said he was very optimistic and the exemplary display of discipline and professionalism by the cadets assured him that the country"s prestige, safety and security were in safe hands.

“Congratulations once again on your hard-earned and well-deserved assignment in the military. My special thanks goes to the company of champions and the cadets who won awards for their outstanding performances,” he further said.

Concluding his speech, General Bajwa reminded the cadets that this is the beginning of a long journey, not "the end".

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