The new trailer for Game of Thrones" upcoming prequel has finally been released. The House of the Dragon takes place around 300 years before the events of the Fight of Trident and delves into the infamous Targaryen dynasty. The HBO Max original promises to restore mediaeval glamour, along with iconic battle sequences and a story line unlike any other.
The three-minute video begins with King Viserys I Targaryen, then King of the Seven Kingdoms, naming his child Princess Rhaenyra Targaryen as his descendant to the iron throne. There appears to be one issue with the princess ascending to the throne: no woman has ever reigned the Seven Kingdoms.
To add to the confusion, Viserys" crafty and power-hungry brother, Daemon Targaryen, has also been dubbed the heir judgmental by some in the small council. The other houses in the show, such as Highwater and Velaryon, are then introduced in detail.
Other than the ruling House, the two houses play an important role in setting in motion the show"s infamous battle - Dance of the Dragons.
In addition, unlike Daenerys Targaryen"s three dragons in Game of Thrones, we see numerous - yes, MULTIPLE - brutes in the trailer. The Targaryens, famous for their dragons, had a plethora of them, which we see in action in the three-minute clip. There is literally fire and blood, and a lot more drama is vowed in the upcoming show.
While traditionalists are opposed to a woman assuming the Iron Throne, Rhaenyra is focused on trying to "create a new order" from the back of her dragon. In the meantime, members of Houses Stark, Velaryon, Lannister, and Baratheon plot to destabilise the ruling families, but the Targaryens have unrivalled firepower.
Paddy Considine portrays King Viserys Targaryen, Matt Smith portrays Prince Daemon Targaryen, Emma D"Arcy portrays Princess Rhaenyra Targaryen, and Olivia Cooke portrays Alicent Hightower. Savannah Steyn, Wil Johnson, John Macmillan, and Theo Nate have also joined the cast as Velaryon family members.
Next month, the show will premiere on HBO and HBO Max. The House of the Dragon is the first of a series of prequels to the popular drama"s upcoming shows.