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Abdullah Qureshi bids goodbye to music for religious reasons

  • author1
  • 2022-10-07 14:28:15
  • Lollywood
Abdullah Qureshi bids goodbye to music for religious reasons


Singer Abdullah Qureshi has announced that he is quitting his music career for religious reasons. In a statement shared on his social media accounts, Qureshi revealed his reasons for getting "lost".

"During that time I got a lot of messages asking where I was," he wrote. "I had a break, I hit the pause button for a while and I used this time to figure out who I am, where I"m going and who I want to become." Announcing his decision to quit the music industry, Qureshi said, "I want to take a moment to announce my retirement from the music industry as I have decided to stop doing music as a full-time profession. I made this decision purely for religious reasons. ."

And he added: “I had a great time making music, playing concerts for thousands of people, being loved and appreciated, facing controversy, making some bad decisions, spreading some positivity, making amazing friends, working with people who were my idols, learning from the best and doing what I loved to do." Qureshi shared how he now believes his true purpose in life is "much bigger than all of this," noting, "We have very little time in this world to to improve our afterlife."

The Dastaan ​​singer then explained: "Alhamdulillah, I am very happy with this decision and I am on my way to find the real truth and I pray that Allah will make this new journey easy for me."

He stated that he would no longer perform in concerts or appear in commercials. "I would appreciate it if they didn"t contact me about them. However, if they need me for any appearances, social media campaigns, or work that interests me and falls within the folds of our religion, I"m happy to do it." He concluded his statement with gratitude for the endless support and love.

"Stop making us the villains"

Qureshi"s decision was welcomed by many on social media. Around the same time, however, singer Natasha Baig, without naming names, presented an imperative to ponder. "I will never accept those musicians or actors who leave their careers in the name of revival," Baig shared on social media. “Because it proves the wrong story that has been associated with the music.


She added: "So please go ahead and congratulate your awakening, but don"t make us look like villains. Your actions may be something that Islam will never appreciate, but music is divine and has nothing to do with any sinful act." if you can"t control your nafs, and nafs can become a problem in any profession."

The Call out 

Last year, Qureshi used his Instagram stories to share his apology posted from his Insta account for what appeared to be his acceptance of past problematic behavior. In this apology, the former singer said he was sorry for anyone he hurt or harmed in any way and asked for everything related to it to be removed because it affected his career and will likely affect his daughter.

His apology read: "I apologize to everyone for all of this. I"m not going to blame my drunken state because at the end of the day it was me. But yes, I had a drinking problem and I have a fetish. But everyone has a fetish."

He went on to clarify that his apology was "not about [his fetish]" but about "sending random messages". He went on to state, "Yes, I had that problem too, but I stopped when I had my daughter. I apologize to her for being the worst dad." Qureshi added that he discussed all this with his wife a year ago and the matter was settled between them.

“We are happy and I am a changed man. The Dastaan ​​singer continued: "I apologize to everyone I have harmed or hurt in any way and I ask that everything related to this be removed as it has already affected my career and most importantly it will affect my daughter."

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