In the World"s Ugliest Dog Competition on Friday, this 17-year-old Chinese crest beat nine opponents.
Mr Happy Face, a dog with a fringe of punk-style hair and a tongue that protrudes perpetually from the side of his mouth, has been named the homeliest dog in the entire world. In the World"s Ugliest Dog Contest, an annual competition dating back decades and held in Petaluma, California, this 17-year-old Chinese crested dog overcame nine rivals on Friday.
The champion was adopted as a rescue last year by Arizona musician Jeneda Benally, 41. "I had hoped to adopt a puppy or have a child during the pandemic. I decided to adopt a puppy instead of a baby because that would have required an act of God "As she introduced this entry during the competition, Benally added. She claimed that when she visited the animal shelter, staff members warned her about an elderly dog with health issues who "might be inbred because he was so ugly."
The staff at the shelter tried their best to prepare me for what lay ahead. I came across a creature that was indeed ancient, deserving of affection and a second opportunity "explained the owner with pride. She claimed that Mr. Happy Face had previously lived in abhorrent conditions with a hoarder. He had endured abuse and neglect, she claimed.
Veterinarians predicted that the dog may just live a few weeks due to his bad health. He has defied the estimated short life that we all predicted him to live with our family, Benally continued, thanks to love, kindness, and mommy kisses. He enjoys sleeping, snoring, woofing when he sleeps, and making strange noises when he is pleased.
The contest itself, according to the organisers: "All types and sizes of dogs have warmed our hearts and brought unconditional love into our lives. This renowned occasion honours the flaws that give each dog a special and individual character."