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15 Ways to Consume Less Bread

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  • 2022-09-04 23:10:16
  • Health
15 Ways to Consume Less Bread


Almost all of our meals include bread. Indeed, you may find it difficult to imagine life without it. Unfortunately, the refining process removes most minerals and fibre from flour, making white flour of little nutritional value to the body. Whole-grain varieties, on the other hand, contain important complex carbs that the body need. However, healthy eating requires diversity, so consider the following 20 methods to eat less bread in the morning, noon, and night.


Fibre- and protein-rich granola may be made in so many different ways that you"ll never grow bored of it. This recipe combines almonds, pumpkin, and sunflower seeds, so you"ll have no trouble waiting till midday!

Smoothie made with oatmeal

Oatmeal is one of the healthiest things you can eat. Looking for a quick way to start your day? These four smoothies, which combine oatmeal, yoghurt, fruit, and vegetables, will fill you up on healthy—and delicious—ingredients!

Bread in the clouds

The cloud-like appearance of this light and fluffy product is due to stiff egg whites. It"s a flourless protein "bread" that gluten-intolerant persons or anyone who has had too many baked goods will love.

Sandwich on whole-wheat tortillas

Make a more playful lunch out of the classic two-slice sandwich. Fill this vegetarian wrap with hummus, edamame, and vegetables for a boost of vitamins, fibre, and beneficial fats. Do you want to learn how to create your own tortillas? This recipe will teach you all you need to know.

Tortillas de cauliflower

Wheat tortillas are a bread substitute, yet they are still a bread-related dish. Why not give these tortillas a try if you need to cut back on grain products? Cauliflower, eggs, and your favourite herbs and spices are used to make them. Fill them with whatever you like!

Toast with sweet potatoes

Sweet potatoes are high in fibre and vitamins and have a low glycemic index, making them an excellent substitute for bread. This chilly version is ideal for snacking or a quick lunch on the go. Toppings and serving possibilities, on the other hand, are only limited by your imagination!

Sweet potato bun burger

This versatile and healthful vegetable will do more than simply give a wonderfully sweet flavour to your burger. Indulging in this scrumptious dinner on a regular basis will not harm your waistline. You can find the recipe here.

Sloppy Joe without bread

This sloppy Joe is healthier than the original and just as flavorful, but without the guilt of eating too much bread. Instead of oil-fried potatoes, try this American classic with freshly baked sweet potato fries. You"ll obtain more nutrition while also protecting your heart.

Wraps with tacos and lettuce

Lettuce, which is both flexible and crunchy, is a fantastic substitute for taco shells—another bread variety. Furthermore, lettuce is less likely to break on the first bite and dribble taco stuff down your chin!

Cakes made from grains

Instead of bread, why not try brown rice, spelt, or quinoa cakes for a snack? They"ll keep you going till dinner if you top them with your choice of sweet or savoury spreads, as well as vegetables, nuts, or dried fruit.


This is yet another excellent choice for overcoming the afternoon slump! Many cracker brands are created using whole-grain flours like oat or whole wheat, which increases the fibre content. But why not try making your own crispy snacks using this recipe?

"Meatballs" made of oatmeal and zucchini

Choose a vegetarian dish cooked with oatmeal instead of breadcrumbs to kill two birds with one stone. Warm "meatballs" should be served with an excellent homemade ketchup, yoghurt, or cottage cheese dip.

Oatmeal meatloaf

As with meatballs, oatmeal can be used in place of breadcrumbs in your family"s favourite meatloaf recipe. Alternatively, you might try an unique and gratifying variation on this dish. The recipe also includes a side dish of roasted veggies as an added treat.

Sandwich with sushi

Sandwiches appear to be expanding all the time, especially given the range of things that can replace bread. Sheets of nori seaweed—yes, the same ones used for sushi—wrap our food here.

The spring rolls

Spring rolls are another sandwich variety that are ideal for lunch. Your taste senses will thank you whether you choose the conventional shrimp, vegan, or this redesigned BLT version. Do you require a more substantial dish? Simply mix in some rice or whole-grain vermicelli.

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