Not everything that tastes great is healthy. So far, so familiar. But few people realise that food has an impact on our mental health. Here"s a list of foods to eat and foods to avoid if you want to improve your mood.
The trendy green food is a nutrient powerhouse. It is high in healthy simple fatty acids, which our bodies use to produce hormones, and can thus bring the entire hormone balance back into balance if consumed on a regular basis. They are usually sold in the supermarket rock-hard, but ripen like bananas. It is ripe and edible when the peel yields to pressure. The avocado also contains important building material tryptophan, which helps to maintain a positive mood.
Fish, Nuts And Broccoli
Fish high in omega-3 fatty acids is a mood booster. So either herring, tuna, or salmon. Because the body cannot produce essential nutrients, they must be obtained through diet. According to research, omega-3 fatty acids can alleviate depression symptoms by influencing the production of the satisfaction hormones dopamine and serotonin.
Furthermore to tryptophan, the yellow tropical fruit contains vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, B5, and C, making it an excellent mood booster. When the bucket is covered with black dots, it is ripe and only then does it taste really sweet. It also has an anti - spasmodic effect due to the high magnesium content.
This local superfood is high in essential nutrients like omega-3 fatty acids, which our bodies cannot produce on their own. Because they swell in the intestines, they also have a digestive effect. When the ingredients are crushed, they are more easily absorbed by our bodies. Linseed oil is a true miracle cure for depression. It also elevates mood and has the potential to improve mental performance in healthy people.
The desert bread contains a high amount of trace elements, fibre, vitamins, and minerals. The tryptophan contained benefits more than just happiness. When dates are consumed in the evening, they help to promote deeper and more restful sleep. This makes them an excellent substitute for unhealthy sweets because, unlike chocolate, they are low in fat.
This pseudo-grain, also identified as the Inca"s magic grain, astounds with its high protein, mineral, and gluten-free content. Furthermore, quinoa contains all 9 essential amino acids, making it especially beneficial for vegetarians. It comes in red, black, and white and makes us happy due to its tryptophan content.
Dark Chocolate
Those who create happiness regard black gold as a classic. But what is it about claim that chocolate makes you happy that makes it so appealing? Chocolate contains the building material tryptophan. However, only in very small amounts, that is why it is presumed that chocolate makes you happy in a different way. It"s more about psychology. Because most of us learned as children to associate chocolate enjoyment with positive feelings, a piece of chocolate can improve our mood.