One of the most impactful films most people have ever seen is The Matrix. With the straightforward idea "what if your whole life is a lie?," it offers a new perspective on your entire existence.
What if reality as you know it is not reality at all?
Let"s suppose for the moment that this is the real world. However, the idea behind this film may be used in a variety of contexts, including altering your thinking.
In fact, the most crucial lesson of speaking your thoughts as you like may be learned from only one sequence in the movie. You"ve probably already seen it, but please watch the brief video below for me:
What occurs here is well known to all. Neo lands on the concrete with his face down while Morpheus hops over like it"s nothing. How come?
Even after watching the film several times, so many individuals still fail to really grasp the message. In a nutshell, everything is included in one single scenario. that single line. Morpheus is not exaggerating when he claims that his statement is the guide to altering your attitude.
Whether you believe you can or cannot, you are right, as Henry Ford reputedly remarked. Let"s dissect the full statement to determine its meaning.
The current mental state is the foundation of any change. We can only work with what we have while trying to change. I"ve already demonstrated to you what"s required to change one"s mentality (the destruction of your old one). You must let go of the past in order to implement new concepts. You must let go of all of your past beliefs, assertions, and choices.
You may create fresh ideas and a fresh style of thinking once you have let go of the outdated, toxic elements of your mind. However, you must have an open mind if you want to accomplish it well. You must be willing to consider unconventional approaches that, from your former perspective, may seem drastic. The only way to advance is to pick up new skills. Be mentally free.
That"s not all, though. Let"s watch the video clip once more. What does being able to jump over a building have to do with letting your thoughts go?
I"d want to briefly digress and discuss the concept of the "brain in a vat." It is a philosophical term that refers to knowledge, reality, truth, the mind, and meaning.
Imagine that a crazy scientist removed your brain, placed it in a vessel filled with liquid that sustains life, and connected it to a device that simulates the outside world.
This was very similarly explained in The Matrix, although you probably never even noticed it:
What defines "real"? What do you mean by "real"? If you"re talking about the senses of touch, smell, taste, and sight, then all that is "real" is your brain"s interpretation of electrical signals.
The brain interprets everything, hence it cannot know whether something is in a jar or a human skull according to this theoretical idea. The perception of reality remains unchanged.
The majority of what you have learnt throughout your life must be incorrect if you are, in fact, a brain in a vat. You don"t know anything about the real world; the only information you possess is of a false reality. So, would you really want to know it if you were a brain in a vat?
Use the same way of thinking to create a mindset.