The founder of American psychology, William James, led a rather difficult life. That is, until he made the decision to accept full responsibility for everything that occurs to him for the duration of one year. No matter how unlikely it looked, he would try everything in his ability to change his situation during that time. If his miserable life persisted after a year, he would acknowledge his true helplessness. As you could have guessed, he became well-known today as a result of doing this.
When we consciously choose to do anything, we typically think that we are merely making a decision. Everything else that happens to us, whether it be sad occurrences or bad luck, is a product of an external force. That, however, is inaccurate. There is always a choice to be made. You are contemplating whether to jump, fart, or stay seated.
Everything you choose to do, refrain from doing, say, use gestures to communicate, ignore, avoid, or interpret is all up to you. No, you are not powerless. You must always make decisions; it is difficult to avoid it. Things suddenly become lot obvious when you view them from that angle.
You are a participant in the world; you are not its victim. Many of the things that happen to you, for better or worse, are the outcome of your own decisions. Everything you do is a decision, including whether to go on a date alone, whether to believe someone, who you choose to be around you, whether to read this book or watch YouTube. And each of those decisions has an effect.
Nobody is flawless. Everything goes wrong. The difference will all depend on the decisions you make going forward.
You alone are in charge of directing your own life. Everyone in your circle of friends, family, girlfriends, and lovers is offering you advice. They either encourage you to make a certain decision or put pressure on you to do so.
However, you are the one who will have to deal with those decisions and everyone they bring. Even if it makes you sad, you are the one who must continue to pursue the career path your parents have forced you to choose. Even if you have a large number of friends, you need to develop your social skills. Even if others don"t think they"re toxic, you are the one who needs to remove them from your life.
Your life is not in the hands of others. You are always making decisions and experiencing the benefits of those decisions. Make better decisions, even though they will be more difficult, if you don"t like the results. Be willing to take ownership of your life.