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  • author
  • 2022-08-01 20:46:58
  • Education


Even if you are aware of the importance of certain items in your life, you still don"t give them the right attention.

Despite knowing the risks, we still smoke. Despite the fact that eating fatty fast food is bad for our health, we nevertheless do it. We don"t give stress, physical activity, or sleep nearly the credit they need. It is insane how much of it is important but unimportant to the majority of us, and how it all adds to the general deterioration of our health.

Knowing hazards exist but choosing to ignore them or even fail to recognise them is far riskier.

Because the effects are more readily apparent, the majority of the items I stated are mostly related to physical health. When you gain weight, your belly enlarges. You get chronic pain if you"re not in shape. Your throat aches and feels like the interior of a chimney when you smoke too much.

Your mental health is nevertheless equally significant, if not even more so. Unfortunately, the majority of individuals utterly overlook this. Many people don"t even acknowledge that mental health is an important aspect of overall health. In addition, virtually everyone on earth experiences problems like insecurity, worry, or sadness at some point in their lives.

It is absurd. We"re prepared to engage in extreme diets for weeks at a time, but we won"t set aside five minutes each day to sit and meditate using a free app that literally instructs you on how to do it.

A significant problem is mental health. I could produce a comprehensive 50,000 word handbook, but I"m very sure you won"t read it. After all, the reason you have this issue is because you weren"t able to handle a few straightforward tasks earlier.

But it"s all right. Maintaining good mental health doesn"t have to be difficult.

In actuality, I"ve discovered that all of the typical negative states that trouble us—anxiety, despair, and doubt—typically stem from only a few fundamental causes. Neglecting them causes these problems to grow until they become overwhelming, and then, well, you know the rest.

The good news is that it"s not at all difficult to make improvements in these areas of your life.


The same boring advise as always. I know. But you"re fucked. It"s significant. Your mindset"s initial weak point is improper sleep. Even if you work out like a beast, without a regular sleep routine, your mind will eventually wander. Most people perform at their best after getting 8 hours of sleep. Some people can perform seven. Anything less than that puts you at considerable danger for mental instability, especially if you continue it for more than a few days. Be wise and get some sleep.


When counselling others, including myself and close friends, one of the most intriguing things I"ve learned is that depressive "I don"t give a shit" mental states typically appear when you don"t follow your habits and routines. Stability is essential to our existence. We need assurance that we won"t be food insecure or sleeping on the streets the next day. When you lose that steadiness, anxiety and depression increase. Dropping your habits is one of the quickest ways to start losing that stability. Follow a daily schedule that encourages positive behaviours and moves you in the correct direction to avoid this.


Distractions are the reverse of focus. Your mind is dispersed all over the place as a result of distractions, which pull it in a thousand different directions. Contrary to distractions, maintaining attention in life requires effort. Focus must be developed by turning inward and putting off the next dopamine rush. Meditate. Consider yourself. Establish your objectives, vision, and values. Develop a new talent. Just pay attention to one item at a time. This will be like a mental vacation in the hurried world of today.

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